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School Organisation

Bacon Garth has an admission limit of thirty children per year group for years FS2 to year six. Years one to six are taught in the main school building, with one class per year group. 


Foundation Stage 1 and 2 children are taught in the Foundation Stage Unit.

The FS1 year group can accommodate up to twenty-six children in any one session.

Each class has one teacher plus at least one member of support staff.

FS1 has one teacher plus two nursery nurses and a part-time teaching assistant.

School Times

The school day for all pupils in years FS2 to year 6 begins at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.15 pm. This totals 32 hours and 5 minutes in a typical week. Pupils in these year groups have two fifteen minute breaks, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon and have a forty five minute lunchtime break. 


Pupils in FS1 attend as follows: 8.50 am start (1.00 pm on Wednesday for end of the week group) 3.15 pm finish (11.30 am on Wednesday for start of the week group)


The school gates open at 8.40 am so that pupils are able to go in to their classrooms from that time. 




Daily assemblies are held Monday to Thursday at 1.45 pm and on Fridays at 2.50pm.


At the end of each half term we have an Awards assembly. Parents of children receiving an award will receive an invitation to come along and share in the children's achievements.

Admission Arrangements - FS1


Admissions for FS1 are organised by Miss Jones, Office Manager. Please print the application below or call into the school office to collect a form.

Admissions Arrangements - FS2 to Yr6


Admissions for these year groups are organised by the Local Authority. Please contact the Admissions Team for further information on how to apply for a school place.

Tel: 01482 393939
