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Breakfast and Afterschool Club

Breakfast and Afterschool Club

The Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am – 8.50 am Monday – Friday, term time only.  Please note that the club will not be available on school training days, holidays or if the school has to close for adverse weather conditions or any other emergency.


Children in FS1, FS2, class 1 and class 2 will be taken to their classroom and handed over to a member of staff.  Children in KS2 will go to class independently.


The afterschool Club runs from 3.15pm - 5.30pm Monday-Friday, term time only. Please note parents can collect at any time. 


FS1 Children

The number of FS1 children attending the Breakfast Club is limited to 8 at any one time.  This is to meet legislation.  Children will eat their breakfast in the hall then play whilst separated from the older children.  At 8.15 am they will be taken to the Foundation Unit where they will be able to access activities in the unit.  FS1 children arriving after 8.15 am will have their breakfast in the hall before being taken to the Foundation Unit. 


The afterschool club is unavailable to FS1 children.  


Breakfast and Afterschool Club Fees

The charge to attend the club is £4.00 per child, per day.  This must be paid in advance at the time of booking. 


The charge to attend afterschool club is £6.50 per child including a 2 course meal. 


Bookings via ParentPay

If you are paying via ParentPay you will need to ensure there is enough credit in your child’s Breakfast and afterschool Club account prior to booking a place.  Should there be insufficient funds in their account, you will be unable to book a place at the Clubs.   

