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Safety & E-Safety

What should I do if I am worried about anything or feel unsafe?


If you feel unsafe or are worried about ANYTHING either at home, at school, when on-line or an activity out of school, here are some suggestions of what you could do to help.


  1. Talk with a trusted adult - at school you could talk with your teacher, your teaching assistant, one of the lunchtime supervisors, one of the staff in the school office or see Mr. Flintham.
  2. If you are finding it hard to talk to a trusted adult when it is busy -you could leave a note on Mr. Flintham's desk or your teacher's table saying something like, 'Can you chat to me' or 'I'd like you to talk to me'. Don't forget to put your name on it. We will then come and find you straight away and find out how we can help.
  3. Tell a School Councillor or a Playground Buddy that you are worried about something. They will be able to help you in finding an adult to talk to.


Remember!! If you are worried about anything - find an adult and tell them -

Don't keep your worries to yourself!



Keeping Safe Online

Please find some fact-sheets for parents which give you some tips and strategies to help you protect your child while they are online using Snapchat, Instagram, Tik Tok or What’s App.

Year 1 E-Safety Pledges

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Year 1 have learnt about e-safety and how to keep themselves safe online and how to look after technology and equipment.

Year 2 E-Safety Pledges

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Year 2 have made e-safety pledges about how they can keep themselves safe when using technology.

Year 3 E-Safety Pledges

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As part of our whole school e-safety day, year 3 have made some e-safety pledges about how to keep themselves e-safe.

Year 4 E-Safety Pledges

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Year 4 have made e-safety pledges about how they can keep themselves safe online and when using technology.

Year 5 E-Safety Pledges

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Year 5 have made pledges about how they will look after sensitive information, such as passwords, how they will keep themselves safe online and how they will look after the technology they use in and out of school.

Year 6 E-Safety Pledges

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Year 6 have made e-safety pledges about how to use technology safely.

Key Stage 1 Keeping Safe Online Cartoon

This cartoon is designed to help you learn how to keep safe whilst online.

Key Stage 2 Keeping Safe Online Video

This video helps you understand that you need to be just as protective of your personal information online, as you would be in the real world.
