Intent, Implementation and Impact of our PSHE curriculum at Bacon Garth Primary School
Our vision statement reflects our desire to provide the best possible education, opportunities and environment for all who are part of our school. We believe that our school should be an inclusive community where ALL aim high, achieve well and develop self-confidence, positive values and beliefs, a sense of community, well-being and caring attitudes towards others. PSHE is central to this ethos and equips children with the knowledge, skills and strategies to live healthy, safe and responsible lives.
Our PSHE curriculum covers all areas of the subject. One timetabled PSHE lesson per week is taught throughout main school. In the Foundation Stage, PSHE is an integral part of the topic work covered during the year.
There are many other opportunities where children are involved in PSHE outside of the discreet lesson, including assemblies where a range of themes are covered. Some of these include cross curriculum teaching (e.g. RE and Geography), the school council (there are 2 representatives from each class from FS2 to Y6), joint activities between year groups such as our ‘Reading Buddies’, regular performances for parents and First Aid so that some children act as ‘Frist aiders’ during break times.
Monitoring and assessment is an on-going process. Teachers use ‘assessment for learning’ as to inform planning for future lessons.